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The Flight Trace

Upon observing a fly in the flight simulator, it is striking that the fly neither keeps the cylinder immobilized nor rotates it continuously: phases of fairly straight flight are interrupted by sudden turns at high angular velocity. Monitoring the fly's yaw torque, the turns are due to short pulses of torque (torque spikes, Fig. 4). The fly generates these torque spikes by reducing the wing beat amplitude by about 12° on the side to which it intends to turn (wing hitch; Götz et al. 1979; Götz, 1983). These sudden turns ("body saccades") can be observed in free flying Drosophila as well. Based on previous work from Heisenberg and Wolf (1979), Heisenberg and Wolf (1984), Mayer et al. (1988) and Heisenberg and Wolf (1993), the present study assumes that the spikes are the primary behavior by which the fly adjusts its orientation in the panorama; further evidence in accordance with this assumption is discussed below (3.3).

Figure 4Fig. 4: Illustration of typical flight orientation behavior in the flight simulator. The pattern, in this case a single vertical black stripe, is assumed to be at infinite distance from the fly, i.e. the angular position of the stripe does not change during straight flight. a. Flight trace, consisting of torque and position trace, used to calculate the flight trajectory depicted in b. Forward flight velocity was assumed to be constant. It can be seen that the torque spikes in (a) correspond with the stepwise turning of the panorama. (Redrawn from Heisenberg and Wolf, 1984)

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